::through the lifespan:: |
SHYJIVEISM ![]() SEaQUAL DIVE-IN Silence of the Dolphin IN DEPTH ECHOS 03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004 04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004 05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004 06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004 07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004 08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004 09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004 10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004 11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004 12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005 01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005 02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005 03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005 04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005 05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005 06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005 07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005 08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005 09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005 11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005 12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006 01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006 02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006 03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006 04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006 05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006 06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006 07/01/2006 - 08/01/2006 08/01/2006 - 09/01/2006 10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006 11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006 05/01/2008 - 06/01/2008 08/01/2008 - 09/01/2008 |
![]() Picture courtesy of: Dina! ![]()
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 3:18 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
Now, a few of the unanswered. 1] The worth fighting desperately to stay right in the middle sometimes can be satisfying. We just have to be somewhere. Question: Do I fit in anywhere? 2a] Anyone would have just think about themselves. When everything comes in easy for them, you'll be nowhere to be fitted in their space. Sad but true. Whereas, when things go out of hand, you are always there eventhough the situation doesnt seems to allow you to do that much for others. Reached out when others are in pain, but to others, my predicament are not their problem. Human. I have never done this before but... Question: Should I stoop at the same level as them? 2b] I was once said a high flown friend. I hits me badly till now. It was not known to me until I was lead to know. Zero expectation of back bitting would happen. And it happened- always expect the unexpected. Conclusively, when help are given with sincerity, the helpers are actualy pretendinglah BUT if you help and expecting a return u r as good as an angel! To me it is a HUGE ERRANOUS but people with that "ethical heart" cannot see! Though it saddened me like anything but I don't wish to see the person who said that to feel it. More faith in Allah and it helps. Qestion: Are we good enough to judge people? 3] Frightening situations always stimulate learning. A period of reflection after each event helps. But again, in my own experience it takes more than reflection alone to anchor the learning. The toughest lesson is to learn to transfer the things you learned into life settings. Question: Should I do down under? Don't bother about the these negative thoughts and questions. I have to think linear. And for everyone else... choose the right rhyme. *smiles* ~the-query-me~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 12:50 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
2] You don't have to deal with anyone (real, at least) 3] There is no "homework" in "sleep", just as there is no "I" in a "team" 4] Sleep means being in the midst of warm blankets 5] Sleep makes you happy the next day 6] Sleep puts off the inevitable 7] Sleep is the favored tool of procrastinators 8] Sleeping makes the world disappear (to the outside of your eylids) ~ simply me and the concept of sleep~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 2:59 AM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
After hearing the session, what I can say for now is, improving one's skills is a necessary but no longer a sufficient condition for economic success. They might have done with all of the conscientious planning and all. Top management will start from the very beginning and spend hours trying to figure out what they and everyone else should be doing. But still The Unintended Consequences turn up and so, they spent lot of time covering bases that don’t immediately matter, like, embarrassment-avoidance, self- forgiveness, searching for the guilty, or just self- talk. Oh people...! Meanwhile, the situation continues to leak, foam, stink, burn, and, perhaps, suicidal attempt. Astaghfirullah... They fear in preparedness. Hehe none of them fall in the Four Dimensional Leadership. *smiles* ~simply me and the issue of deficits [recent economy]~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 10:55 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
Wish if I could dissapear and fade to nothing. I don't care what anyone says but I'm done...you can only handle so much, that much. Just a waste of time, trying to buy into this false reality. Not into it all along. So forget it. I felt so raw right now, I didn't want to even post this up because i'm just too weary, but seriously, what's the point of having a blog if you don't post? Hehe. Allah sayang orang yang sabar... *smiles* Mari kita sama-sama renung firman Allah di dalam surah Al-Mu'minun ayat 115-116 yang bermaksud : " Maka adakah patut kamu menyangka, bahawa kami hanya menciptakan kamu (dari tiada kepada ada) sahaja dengan tiada sebarang hikmat pada ciptaan itu?. Dan kamu (menyangka pula) tidak akan di kembalikan kepada kami? Maka (dengan yang demikian), Maha tinggilah Allah yang menguasai seluruh alam, lagi Yang Tetap Benar, tiada Tuhan melainkan Dia, Tuhan yang mempunyai Arasy yang mulia". Stones taught me to fly, love taught me to cry, so it's not hard to fall when you float like a cannonball. This is the way... *winks* ~simply me, feeling raw~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 11:06 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
Happy Birthday to you... Happy Birthday to dearest Jimah... Happy Birthday to you... Dengar tak aku nyanyi???! Semoga iman & taqwa bertambah dan mendapat sakinah dlm perjalanan kehidupan. Selamat Hari Lahir!
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 12:00 AM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
*** So the education officer that came over was Phyllis Lim. Attended her class few months ago. Hehe so its actually the Perfect Phyllis! -The soft spoken lady. *** She left or was ask to leave? Was very sad knowing what happened. Semoga selamat dunia & akhirat :(( MISSION: To relocate the missing one. *** I miss my... handphone! It's been like a week it was left abandon inside my handbag. :| busylah *** What a pity! Just because you hear a rumor or even something that's true, you can't throw it in someone's face! *** I think I just got a reality check today when I suddenly realized that words alone actually do hurt people. Or I should say that I realize. I didn't say anything because I know nothing about it. Hoho I'm not going to ask. I don't feel different in any way, I've known this for a long time. I've been on the other end of it numerous times. Enough where I got in a mess for all of you that remember. I've been to hell and back with insults, but I see that people grow up and this is the first step. I was raised from an early age to treat people like they want to be treated. *** I'll go. Bye. ~the-assorted-me~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 11:33 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
Went for prayers at Sultan Mosque last week. Don't feel like going home so I decided to stay. Then the announcement came. Oh...sermon in english. ok good. Told myself I would sit in. Took out my mp3 and start recording. It was about Actions judged by intentions. It was the second lesson. Oh i've missed the first one. nvm. Here goes, Our Prophet Mohd [saw] starts the hadith with the principle ("Actions are judged by intentions") and then gives three examples. This is his methodology. The examples help illustrate the principle so that it is easier for people like me to understand and can easily apply the principle to other situations. The 3 examples consist of one of good intention (migration for the sake of Allah and His Messenger) and two of bad intentions (migration for the sake of worldly gains or for marriage). This hadith emphasises ikhlas (sincerity - to be truthful and honest to Allah alone, performing an act solely for Allah's sake whereby no other witness except Allah is sought). Ikhlas is one of the conditions of accepting good deeds. The other condition is that the actions must be done in accordance with the Syari'at as he said it will be explained in the fifth hadith. This can be seen in the Shahadah. It shows us the conditions for accepting a deed or performing an action: (a) it should be for the sake of Allah because He is the only One we worship, and (b) it should be in accordance with the Syari'at. To achieve ikhlas, we have to avoid syirik (associating others with Allah, which causes insincerity). Al-Imam al-Harawi said the root cause for insincerity (or syirik) is self-desire (al-hawa). Therefore, no action should be done because of self-desire. Imam al-Harawi states that there are 7 types of self-desires: -To make oneself appear good in the hearts of others -To seek the praises of others -To avoid being blamed by others -To seek the glorification of others -To seek the wealth/money of others -To seek the services or love of others -To seek the help of others for oneself Now, come to the ways to obtain ikhlas: ***Do righteous deeds - the more good deeds we do and hence get closer to Allah, the more sincere we will be.Before we do any deed we should firstly seek knowledge (ilmu) - our actions/deeds should be guided by knowledge so that we do them in accordance to the Syari'at. ***Do not give false impressions - do not make others believe that an action we did was good when it was not.Al-Imam Ahmad said: Before you do anything, check your intention (niyyah/niat) - ask yourself before performing an action: "Is it for the sake of Allah?" Ibnu al-Qayyim says: Any action we do is subject to three defects: //Being conscious that others are observing our actions //Seeking a return (benefit/reward) for the action //Being satisfied with the action There were few examples but i could'nt catch it..Duh' There are four things that contradict ikhlas: Ma'siat - committing sins - this will weaken our ikhlas Shirik - associating others with Allah Riya' - performing an ibadah with the intention of showing off to others Last but not least, Nifaq - hypocrisy. Look around. Found any? Sounds familiar though... * big big smiles * Yeah yeah i was distracted by then. Mum called, ask me to buy some stuff... Missed the conclusion part and all... When I was just about to leave the Sheikh was talking about Ghibah... hmmm just have to missed it! I was thinking that actually our actions are undermined by our intentions - whether they are good intentions or bad intentions. Therefore we should always check our intentions before we do or say anything. We must make sure that the action is for the sake of Allah so that it is accepted by Allah and that we will be rewarded for it, InsyAllah. Haiz...gotta check. ~the-so-religiously-me~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 10:46 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
--- aha! talking abt weird, it has been going on lately. the call thingy. alien number. i don't bother. hmm too much of something is bad enough. it's just so, uhh... ***i'll update more, much later :D --- But all things happen for a reason. It remind me of a saying that goes, dont think of what could have been or what was. think of what is. and appreciate the wonders of the world.*** i bloghop and saw this phrase which i think is... acceptable. so credit to this blogger lah :P think linear, think linear... ok i'm going to slumberland. the-groggy-me
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 12:53 AM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
1. describe your present state of mind.~ in action. With 3 weeks of lesson plan, assignments, housework ect. 2. where do u usually hang-out? ~ classroom number 5! last wk, my bro's hse! 3. ever stepped on sh*t on the road? ~ i walk with my eyes wide open. i'm wearing specs so i've clearer view. How could I ever, tell me? 4. last movie u saw? ~ swades- shahrukh. 5. most expensive thing u bought with your own money? ~ hi-fi stereo. *hugs* 6. Good looks or brains? ~ good brains are a turn on. good looks are a turn on too. hmm.. 8. have you ever fallen in love with a fren?~ how to fall in love with enemy!!! 10. if you could be someone else for one day who would it be & why? ~ i would want to be jennifer aniston. only way i can get brad pitt. 11. any pets? what are their names? ~ nope. peter out. 12. ever punched someone? ~ nope. i'm good. 14. which do u prefer? jollibee or mcd? Mcd lah 15. wendy's or kfc? ~ Deli'France can? 16. who would u choose, the one u love or the one who loves u? ~ haha loves me. no doubt.love always. 17. ever broken someone's heart? ~ today? no. yesterday? no. *shrug* 18. ever had your heart broken? ~ yeap. sigh. 19. what did u do to the person who broke your heart? ~ nothing lah? want to do what? 20. what's inside your bag? ~ books, papers, clorets, handphone, wallet, mp3, tissue pencil case, cosmetic beg, blotters, perfume! 21. fave past time? ~ sleeping. 22. biggest regret in life? ~ not yet so far..... 23. worst experience you've been through? ~ let me think..forget already..tell u what, let us just smile to the world and the world will smile back at you. 24. best place you'd rather be? ~ beside my future husband. hmm who? where? hehe 25. would u kiss on a 1st date? ~ ishk haram! 26. last time u cried? ~ yesterday.*sobs* 28. u in love right now? ~ not sure. what's with love? 29. is someone in-love with u? ~ if u are. please tell me. 30. describe your present love life in a song ~ "i'll be" haha.. U know i'm not into this qestionair/survey thingy. Well... for the sake of a break-away...I did it for real man! ~simply me & lame questions~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 11:16 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
Here goes... ***It can happen to.. Anyone of us, anyone you think of Anyone can fall Anyone can hurt someone they love Hearts will break 'Cause I made a stupid mistake It can happen to.. Anyone of us, say you will forgive me Anyone can fail Say you will believe me I can't take my heart will break 'Cause I made a stupid mistake A stupid mistake ***A stupid mistake (nothing to me) I swear every word is true don't wanna lose you No time to blog more for now. I'm going. ~simply me with anyone of us!~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 11:42 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
Somehow the anywho knows that ******* has a blog! -A big thing, don't u know! And, that they have been reading the blog. Reaction? U'll guess correctly about me. Typing away his bloggy address upon reaching home and there it is. Oh my! reminiscience, reminiscience... See my point? Sooner or later we'll get to know the real thingy!!! Nothing to hide. Hidden truth shown. When u have faith in Allah, He'll help u through. U gotta strengthen yr believe. A pair of eyes, and, u think u can see them all? Nah! So, I continue reading with angst. Maybe this is true, maybe it isn't. My heart certainly beat faster at the possibility. I have long been aware of the dangers of internet honesty, and have thought I had censored myself accordingly (refusing to refer specifically to romantic endeavors, etc., or, to bitch about anything to directly). But, my there wasn't an academic layer to my censorship. I hadn't considered the possibility that this would get scholarly. Question: "Why bother?" I've read myself through and although I do cringe at a few of my passing remarks, I am as I present myself. And I think facades are worse than honesty. I haven't much of a public affect anyway, so, this is when individualism plays an important role. "Ingat Allah, Jaga Iman, Hiasi diri seindahnya"- mesti ingat! ~simply me, just me and only me with that bloggy!~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 1:30 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
Me, myself & I We are in the fifth week of 2005 and I've barely started with anything. With regard to my work, studies, blog and myself! Life is really dull to the max when we work & study at the same time. But I am glad and grateful at my present situation right now. Old friendships are getting stronger and new friendships are growing. I'm beginning to balance things. The undergraduate Jamie Han & MM LKY issue Seriously, how much input are you expecting when it comes to this topic. He should at least be tasteful when presenting it. He had taken away the meaning of it for his families and peers who just can't look at him the same way no more. Seems like others blatantcy bring a deep impact to another person's life-- i can't stand it. I actually really do find it objectionable. There are other things in life to discuss. Get over it. Please. About she's in U.S & we are in Sg I was with my humans for the last time *sobs* and we called Su. We are kinda having anxiety about this whole thingy. We still think if she doesn't choose the right way to what she really want to do. She said it's hard to guarantee anything right now. She knew she won't be guided through what she has to take and stuff now anymore. Yup, she's basically deciding this all for herself, and if it doesn't work out, then she has no one to blame but herself. And she feel like she CAN'T have this not work out because thousands of dollars was involved. The word is, no confidence. The point is human, actually she feels that history of her misery-though-she-has-everything would repeat itself again. Su, let it past! Should'nt be holding to it. More confidence,more confidence. But we all know she's able to do it. It's not that she's so focused on one certain job. She knows about any other options or how to go about it. More research, more research! Re-treat Session with our Minister of National Development This time it will be at Phuket! Why not Aceh?! Self-seeking is just an oversight How do you expect me to know... After we talk it seems that the whole situation is just bugging me. You push, you encourage, you show, you direct, you enlighten, you guide...I SEE THE WAY OK!!! I SEE IT!!! But why? CD Reviews //Blessings Yeah yeah...taufik's debut album. I was about to buy during the day it was released. I managed to listen to all the songs at the shop and then...err heheh tak jadi beli ah! Lucky me! Too 'strong'. Almost all the song will put me to sleep! My sis really awaits for Blessings to reach her hands. Eventually, her DREAM come true when Abg bought the cd for her. Eversince then, I would always see her with her discman & hear her singing I dream again and again! Rimas aku!Berapa banyak kali cd ni spin pun tak tahulah. But track like One Last, Backup against the wall, Superstition & Missing you always oklah...not bad. Haiz...i'm waiting for sly's album. I am sure to buy his album! ;p //KRUnisme Less rap- more to like a performing band kind of song. Seksa, which is now airing from my jukebox- An answer-back song to Seksis. Terhangat Dipasaran-cool!Hehe I like the song and the video clip is cool too. Though some says its more like selling themselves off but who cares. So far jarang kita dpt santapan lagu sebegitu rupa. A weekend in January05- Jimah, Dina & me We planned to go roller blading but did'nt actually manage to do so. End up we walk around and take photos there. Did enjoyed ourself :D Gotta go for now... ~simply me and January~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 11:55 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.