::through the lifespan:: |
SHYJIVEISM ![]() SEaQUAL DIVE-IN Silence of the Dolphin IN DEPTH ECHOS 03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004 04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004 05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004 06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004 07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004 08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004 09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004 10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004 11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004 12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005 01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005 02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005 03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005 04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005 05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005 06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005 07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005 08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005 09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005 11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005 12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006 01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006 02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006 03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006 04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006 05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006 06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006 07/01/2006 - 08/01/2006 08/01/2006 - 09/01/2006 10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006 11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006 05/01/2008 - 06/01/2008 08/01/2008 - 09/01/2008 |
A recap - 260904: - Kenduri at Cik Lela's place - chill out with Naz. Grabbing up at Parkway. - really can't sleep 270904: - b'day lunch treat - after5 with Ain, cool! 280904: - FUN at SCHOOL!!! HMMM? 290904: - gave chn's day present to dearies. 300904: - half day today!:D - Mdm Hafizah promoted as S.T! Alhamdulillah... - lunch at BREEKS! - watched WHITE CHICKS with Ain ---> Very farnie!!! - SG IDOL---> Song of Parents choice Duh'!!! . Go Sylvester!!! - Abah sent me to Naz place, pass the baskets to her, and she goes 'cepat cepat, sylvester!!!' and i go 'haaa sylvester ok ok ok cepat...'*shriek* oh gawd. Haha! That was a good one Naz...will remember this moment! Overall, I really enjoyed myself this week...but it's ending soon... No school tomorrow and I just wanna blog and blog and blog and blog till I rot... Haha, siow! NeverEnding work...awaits me but am not in the mood to do anythg related to work! Simply turned off. C U tmrw, with a summurised journal & picts presenting a thousand words...*yawn* -the-swiftly-me-
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 10:05 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
Woke up quite early today. Had guests this morning so had to help mum with the pudding :) The concert rehearsal Really got no comment. However, it was so draggy. While on stage also I was yawning like no-one's business :( Hopefully it wont spoil my day. Saturday's Shopping Spree Told myself I need to do somethg after the rehearsal- To kill the boredom. My plan with Naz flopped so went out with Ain. Shop for Abi n Janice's b'day present err ehem..that includes me also :D ***Ain,B'day girl kena ikut sbb nak try size aper!?*** So what did I choose? Hehehe *grinzzz* --- The klutzy me. I saw a nice brown pants at MNG. I've been wanting the brown pants from Esprit but cldnt get the size. So today I got one from MANGO. This is where it all started. I went to the fitting room to try on the sizes. I hang the pants on the hook. And I just do what I'm suppose to do lah. Then after putting on the pants, I look at the mirror. "Eh... Apsal mcm seluar aku lak" Innalillah...What a klutz. I took my own pants instead of the brown pants. I was stunned. What was I thinking??? --- My birthday present from them, a denim top & bottom from OSMOSE and shoes from Metro. OK, "I love being 22". Duh!Just me, who's so in love with Denim.*rolling eyes* Isetan now have a nice collection of ladies shoes- cheap n comfortable! Sounds like me! Tried a few and now still deciding which one to buy. Well, the indecisive me! Errr... shoe again? Will ask mercy from mum. I will find space for the old shoes! Dun worry next targetted place- my school! --- Tired & aching. Tomorrow, another busy day. Ok, sleep tight. ~the-cloudy-me~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 1:39 AM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() :D Naz sent the bear in the dolphin cup with the 'popular bookstore' vouchers for my sis b'day- belated. The Pooh bear was from Abg. So she said, "Abg Yus kasi bapak bear, Kak Nazeemah kasi anak bear." Iyelah tu... *Thks Naz* Hehehe And I, took the mug!!! I LURVEEE the handle! Permission granted for me to take the mug...hehhe thk u!!! ![]()
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 1:00 AM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() It was 15 min before going home these two kids were quarreling. Arini was being provoked by Faisal so she threw sand at him [we had sandplay outside our classroom balcony]. As usual- 'complaints lodged'. Kinda serious, so after solving their problem, I spoke to their parents to avoid any frictions. I ask them to sit on the chair first so that it'll be easier to get hold of their MUMs. However actually before dismissing, I saw both of them we talking, laughing and playing with each other again. Comparing their work; "Eh brapa star awak ada?" "Waah byk nyer awak punya!" "Cantik eh awak colour" *sigh* Children...!*shrug* I started to tease them..."Eh tadi gaduhkan? Apsal tak gaduh lagi? Gaduh jelah, takpe... " They were quite shocked with my reaction and they were like..."eh? eh? mana ada...?tak gaduh lah lemparkan pasir jer sbb dia buat saya marah. Tapi dah ckp sorry tadi" HUH???? Iyelah tu... hahhaah so cute! Easier for me since they are in gd terms already if not..haiyah....*sigh* ![]()
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 1:43 AM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() See these two cuties...I heard children giggling..then suddenly Arini called me. "Teacher tgk ni- Melekat!" Hahaha...Ok Sepantas kilat cikgu ambil HP terus snap gambar ni. ![]()
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 1:30 AM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() Behind the scene! ![]()
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 11:59 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() Mr & Miss Personality 2004! Yeey...U deserved it, Faizal. ![]()
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 11:56 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() Peserta L8 dengan pakaian Formal dan juga pakaian Retro...Smart sungguh! ![]()
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 11:54 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() The Dance --- left pic: Err lupa lah. right: look at that...faizal doing his move for pretty woman! ![]()
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 11:50 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
20th September PAYDAY! Saw Zalinah! Wah..its been abt 3 years since we last met. Nice of her to 'tegur' me. I introduce her to Ain since she was with me. Then met Naz at Simei. Had dinner with her at Simpang Bedok. Ate tissue & bomb prata and also the roti john with minced meat, cheese & mushroom. So full! Reached TM at abt 9.50. Yeah I was VERY early. Have to wait for Hidayah till she finished her work. Waited for her at BK then moved to Starbucks then in front of Metro. But it was worth it. Got the bag eventually! The night life- with so many youngster 'lepakz' makes me feel very so-the-out-of-place. Have always been the same since those days when I work night shift at Giordano. *Sigh* Guess what? Luqman and Alia was seen together!!! They are my exschoolmates. Ain , Doink & me was shocked!*sigh* K... crita lama! 21st September Same ol'story Went home straight after work. Rushing to break my fast on time but could'nt make it. The usual routine- pray, finish up some paperwork and ZzZzzZzzZ. Slept very early. Before that I wanted to many things- one of which was to blog. Too bad...tertido! Faizal will be on air- A live interview on Thurs. 22nd September Metro Trip with....them! After work, the teachers involve with the concert had to go and buy stuff for the children i.e cosmetics, accessories ect. At the same time I was thinking what to buy for the chn's day. But could'nt think of anythg- the usual me! We spent abt $200 at Metro. Mrs Ng got herself 3 free umbrellas and she gave one to me & K'Jo. Then we had dinner together at Deli'france! While we were at Century Square, I saw A'an a.k.a Nurul- the Zoom Thailand host, SURIA celebrity. She was with her boyfren...still. Whatever! That's what we called, FIRST LOVE. How genuine it is, errr it is really up to u as it is already clearly seen on the surface. People gone through the worst & will learnt from the mistake. Giving another chance is secondary. Looking back at the past, I feel scared for her. But the present is scarier!!! Ok ok ok...this blog is not meant to be a social critic blog- Its only abt me- the simplified life with regards to the past,present & future! Err...psst An, May God Bless You lah *winks* 23rd September Today... Soooo much work. Gotta finish them up day by day. Thanks to Abah, who helped me with the concert accessories. Thank u sooooo much for sewing them for me! At least, wkload lightened! Eventhough there was slight prob & hassles earlier on, but with yr help I know everythg's going to be fine! Hahha...ok ok dont get too emotional- the daddy's girl. DISTURBING BEHAVIOUR While I was on my way home, I was thinking abt an incident happened this morng... I took the same route to work as usual when I heard this conversation from a mother to her child: "Tak tahu nak balas jasa mak bapak? Dah bela lagi kecik nak besar kepala pulak. Kau susah aku tolong. Slalu aku mintak tolong kau takmau buat, skrg kau nak minta tlg aku,blh jln!" Cliched but.... Err..ok smthg is not rite there... How can u talk to a child like that. Ok not exactly a child but a sec 3 student [I saw her holding a Sec 3 book]. It is definitely the reflection of you, the parents. The initial upbringing- How was it? I dun thk the base was strong enuff after hearing what the girl replied to her mum. Somehow at least there shld be some reasoning out or be precise what u want from the child by looking at their ability. If I were the child, without any hesitation or regrets I would say: "Setahu saya membesarkan anak adalah TANGGUNGJAWAB. Ia bukanlah satu PERTOLONGAN utk saya. Bukankah begitu??? Anak adalah amanah dari Allah. Ingat sikit mak. Klw taknak susah lain kali fikir dulu sblm nak beranakkan org. Klw dah fikir fikir tu rasa tak sanggup sgt nak bela jgn kawin pun kira orait juga. Apsal? Stress ke apa? Nenek dulu buat camni ek???" aa'h ambik kau. Persoalannya sekarang, sebagai ibu bapa yg berkahwin dgn mempunyai objektif utk mentadbirkan atau menadministrasikan sebuah keluarga adalah TANGGUNGJAWAB dan bukan sebagai PENOLONG yg menolong utk membesarkan dan menjaga anak tersebut. Jadi, kenapa mesti ungkit dan bangkit balik apa yg telah mereka lakukan pada anak tersebut? Orang tua jenis apa ni? Dont tell me bila nak kawin dulu takde objektif, asalkan tahu diri tu 'laku' je? Mana boleh! Kalau ye pun gitu, tukarlah sikit, dah millenium ni. I really pity that girl... Always see her with a depression look. Dun worry, I know how U feel... :) Ok once again this is not a social critic blog errr but I can't help it lah... Sigh... thats all for now. So sleepy. ~the-puzzled-me~ ***Oh yeah Faizal was on air just now.***
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 10:37 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
She's 22 today! Getting older and we have little time for ourselves to be prepared for our next life! Err I hope I did'nt freak u out, did I? Usually I'll get the last B'day wish from her but this year she was early! Ahahha yeah I'm honoured! *HUGS* When my watch showed 12am, I sang for her a birthday song! Hehehe... Talked to her on the phone till 0345. Have'nt been meeting her for so long. I still remember U told me once that keeping the friendship is not just about meeting up. Without seeing each other, we'll still be the best of friends. Just as long as we always remember each other and always be 'there' when one of us need help, cos we are just a phonecall away! :) To Hasu, May U always be in the best of iman and health...Time fly fast but I know U are still the same person that I know 8 years ago, who made me realised about true friendship and be optimist when encountering with life ;) *Hugs* ouh...so "semangat"! hahaha ops I said it again! HAPPY BURFDAY, DEAR! ~the-friends forever-me~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 9:36 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ***Thanks for the VIP tix!*** 18 September 04: Must be the most memorable night for Faizal- The new Mr Personality for Elit Ria 2004. He really surprised me the Medley Dance he performed with the rest of the finalist last night! Cool man, from his face, I can see that he's enjoying himself on stage. Various number of songs like... Bilang Saja, Pretty woman, Tipah Tertipu...err what else? Ouh lupa lah... When his name was not called for the top 10, I'm sure he gonna make it for the Mr Photogenic or if not, Mr Personality ! True enuff, he's the latter. I didnt stay till the end of the show...Abg Yus came early to fetch me and plus, I really had a bad headache. End work at 6 and didnt take dinner. Went straight home and chg then head to Downtown East. Ok let me introduce, Faizal Yusof a.k.a Fyzeal Zain... err adik Ziana Zain! hahah Friends since we were small till now! Go Quran reading together, he'll be like a brother to me. I can still remember those days that I would be crying while waiting for my turn to read! Lucky me, he was there. Cracking jokes that distracted me from crying! Yeah, yeah I'm a cry baby back then. Err now...a lil' lah! ***Hasu, some things just wont change!*** "Number 64"- A place where we had our "mini feast". Hahah! And the four of us- Safa [she's working at the airport now], Shahril [now a grown up boy- workg & studyg at the same time!], Faizal & me. Not forgetting the memories we had with the rest of our friends. *psst*Hey, U still remember them: kak halifa- now married with kids midzi- now with the police force amir- NS faisal- ITE nana- ITE & part time at KFC shiqah- poly hadi- schooling & he lost a lot of weight! izyan- poly hidir- poly :) Then there's a point of time, when I was in P2[1990], I wld met Faizal at my room window when he came back from school. If there was a letter or smthg that I want to pass to him, I will roll down the canvas bag with a pencil inside, tied with a blue string so that we could exchg some stuff if there's any. My letters usually went like this: "Hari ini pergi ngaji tak? circle yes or no" He would circle 'yes' & I would say "ok" and nodded my head from the top- a sign that msg was acknowledged! Muahahah... Today my parents do the same thingy when Dad wants to pass Mum the newspaper. She will 'throw' down the plastic bag and Dad will 'chuck' in the newspaper inside then he'll pull 3 times, a signal for her to roll it up again! It really reminds me of those days- still fresh! Well, what can I say abt him. He is an optimistic person with a good sense of humour and a good listener. A very nice friend who always believe in himself and gifted with creativity. And for every phonecall I would never fail to get a pen & paper ready to copy down the words n phrases that he used!!! Haha! Hey he got a very nice and neat handwriting too! Oh yeah, there was also a time when I was really scared to climb up the bridge but there he was walking ahead steadily. I was like, panicking like no one's business and keep on saying "...hey, tunggulah!!!" . It would be endless if were to blog more abt this childhood friend of mine :) Aights, I'll stop here. Keep on going, Faizal. I'm sure u will go far in life. Good Night... ~the-reminiscent-me
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 7:02 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
So condescending unnecessarily critical I have the tendency of getting very physical So watch your step cause if I do you'll need a miracle You drain me dry and make me wonder why I'm even here This Double Vision I was seeing is finally clear You want to stay but you know very well I want you gone Not fit to *tuut* tread the ground that I am walking on When it gets cold outside and you got nobody to love You'll understand what I mean when I say There's no way we're gonna give up And like a little girl cries in the face of a monster that lives in her dreams Is there anyone out there cause it's getting harder and harder to breathe Is there anyone out there cause it's getting harder and harder to breathe What you are doing is screwing things up inside my head You should know better you never listened to a word I said Clutching your pillow and writhing in a naked sweat Hoping somebody someday will do you like I did When it gets cold outside and you got nobody to love You'll understand what I mean when I say There's no way we're gonna give up And like a little girl cries in the face of a monster that lives in her dreams Is there anyone out there cause it's getting harder and harder to breathe Is there anyone out there cause it's getting harder and harder to breathe Does it kill Does it burn Is it painful to learn That it's me that has all the control Does it thrill Does it sting When you feel what I bring And you wish that you had me to hold Harder to breathe - Maroon 5 ~simply-hard-to-breath-me~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 1:19 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() cereal-soup-cereal-soup-cereal-soup... Been eating these for breakfast. No Great Eggspectation for other menu. *Kawalan semakin ketat, telur kian pupus. Haizzz takleh sombong dengan ayam. Takde ayam, takde telur...Luckily i am no big fan of eggs but some 'mission' became impossible without its presence. From $1.25 now cost $5.00 for a tray of 10 eggs or $6.00 if they are from Oz. If we were to convert the money to RM, we'll get ~RM10 er... for ten eggs!? MasyAllah *Redha* ![]()
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 11:00 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() Month of Celebration! ![]()
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 10:50 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() Tote bag n GUESS coin pouch from Ain & fwens. Hp holder from Sis -A Cow, for good reasons!!!. It will produce the noisy "moo" sound when I'm about to receive sms/calls. $$$ from Mum n a set of Esprit's accessories from Abg & Kak Linda. *Thank You* ![]()
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 10:48 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() Taken during Shawn's b'day. ![]()
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 10:46 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
Alhamdulillah, all went on well for today. Last night I could'nt sleep. The effect: Cikgu mengantuk dlm class!!! Betul punya Jihad, nak tahan ngantuk tu tadi!!! Shawn's b'day also went well. His Mama & Mummy was with us. Cake [Batman pict on it] ordered from emicakes- nice texture! The party bag: Boys got a Spiderman stationery set and girls, Barbie stationery set , including their Ms Aidah plus one big bag of sweets, to be distributed among ourselves. Their pockets are full of sweets so I shared them with Ain's class...Whew! :D Took lotsa picts!Enjoyable moment for the day. :) Life is full of surprises. I just could'nt imagine the worst. Well, whatever it takes or whatever it was meant to be, never regret for the things that you have done. A blessing in disguise- Smthg that we never know. There's more to come, dun worry. Lets not think abt it anymore. Err...that's it. Sleep tight. ~simply giving up~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 11:34 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() ![]() I was standing by the window at the learning centre in school just now, viewing the children's art & craft, the one they did today . I simply enjoy doing it. Looking at their art piece will somehow make me smile :) and wanna laugh! Suddenly my eyes stop at this particular painting. Tell me, what's on your mind when u see this??? ![]() ![]() This is called "blowing painting". One of the objectives is, to see whats the outcome when colours are mix. I could'nt help myself from giggling. Ain & Abi was trying to control their laughters. Since Mitchell was there I ask her, 'Hey look at this. What's on your mind?' "Ermm look like tadpoles." Haha! Ok... So, WHAT'S ON MY MIND??? ~the-questionably-me
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 9:43 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
Nothing much happen today. Busy with the kids and 'running' after the school fees! 'Hugging Time' was fun! Ouww... Tomorrow is Shawn's 5th b'day. Mama Iris gonna celebrate with us duing refreshment. Cool, U go Mama!*Ahacks* --- Smelt somthing today- Twice. When I was in school and at home. Reminds me of Naz. OMG! Muahahaha, that was a good one, Naz! --- Got a GUESS pouch and a tote bag- both WHITE! From Ain, Shahidah & Kak Jo. *Thank you* "We did'nt get for you the blouse but somthg that U wanted to buy since last time we saw it" Hmmm *whoa* been longing [for 2 mths] to get the pouch, but selalu-tak-jadi-lepas-fikir-byk-kali!!! "So now kau tak payah nak fikir2 lagi. Benda dah ada pun" Ouh...So sweet! --- Be Calm, Shaidah! Felt uneasy with the 'thgy' i'm facing right now. It's all about tomorrow. Will I 'successfully' overcome the situation? Trying to pull myself together now, but being simply me, I'm just too scared & nervous and trying to keep my cool. Ok, It's just a test. Remember, "Setiap yang bermula akan berakhir"- FINE! Tomorrow morning, will determine what day is it going to be for me. Ya Allah...Pls help! --- Eyes half open. Sleepy but could'nt sleep. HAAAAAH??? Crap! I'll stop now. Sweet dreams. Relax Shaidah... ~the simply me, look-like-goldfish,wanting-to-speak-but-cld'nt-say~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 10:52 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
I'm mentally & physically prepared for tomorrow. Whatever it is, just have to Redha. Go through it day by day and be patient. "Nothing is predestined: The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to the new beginnings" -Ralph Blum "After every hardship there is relief" -Al~Insyirah --- Thank You Naz! Spent the afternoon with Jimah. Laughing together, sharing thoughts , talking abt anythg that cross our mind from religion stuff, music & personal thgy till we touched on a topic abt our own future. Relationship. Until I reached home also the topic is still on.nazeemah895 (8:12:15 PM): the reason is becoz...ur OLDER NOW (22) yet ur still unsure I can't figure out, really. Just confused, scared, searching, let alone doubts. Jimah, pray the best for me. After hearing your opinion, I'm having doubts in myself. Takut salah langkah. Now thinking that i've to make some sacrifices n be realistic rather than forcing the nature... I've a clearer view. Thanks Naz.*hugs* Looking forward for the moment like just now... :) Expecting brilliant thoughts in time to come!Haha! --- I'll stop here. Tired. Have to get up early tomorrow. Gd Nite! ~the-intimidated-me~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 10:03 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
Take the test Took mine and its kinda funny! Haha! MY RESULTS: eXpressive: 8/10 Practical: 5/10 Physical: 5/10 Giver: 9/10 You are a XPYG--Expressive Practical Physical Giver. This makes you a Roving Spouse. -Masya Allah, apa ni?! You are magnetic, charming, and impossible to resist. You have no problem with approaching your target sex -- it just comes naturally to you, and the thrill of warming up a stranger is one of your great drives. Still, very few people really know you. You don't just *feel* misunderstood -- you are. You are probably nursing a heartache that you never let on. -Hmmm sounds familiar! You're calm in a conflict (almost *too* calm -- a more emotional partner may wonder why you're not more engaged) and quick with affection. Fighting makes you uncomfortable, but as you avoid direct conflict your frustrations can manifest in the cold shoulder and passive-aggression, which is no better! Still, you make a loving, doting parent -- giving more love than discipline -- and your children prefer you. -Bestnyer! Like an XSYG, you put so much thought and effort in what you give to your partner that you feel dismissed and unappreciated if you don't get the same in return. You also give and think so much that you can also talk yourself into cheating -- physically or emotionally -- and this can lead a cycle of conflict, guilt, conflict-avoidance, chilly atmosphere and then more cheating. But you'll stay with your partner in the long run from guilt and a desire to please. -Huh?! You've got to open up! You express and give so much of yourself in other ways -- don't be afraid to express what's bothering you. -Again, sounds familiar! I'm only being so hard on you because you remind me of me. Of the 67706 people who have taken this quiz, 10.8 % are this type. -Ishk sikit nyer!? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XY Sexy IT In control/can be controlling XG Good parent RG Good-natured/even keel XP Good at resolving conflict RT Trouble communicating XSI Honest to a fault SG People-pleaser *** Thanks to Hasu's link, Shalene!*** ~the simply me, loving...ouhhhh!
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 2:02 AM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
Finishing up the last bit of my work. I realised, there's alot to be done. I need help! Was feeling exhausted after the wild wild wet. No comment abt it. Met Ain; "Eh present kau kat locker!"*winks* [Buat susah jer]It was 2 when I reached home, with empty stomach, having mom calling out for help, SMSes and replying them, whoa...i'm lost! I'm doing things in a very slow motion. Received a cute HP holder from my sister. Really cute. Looks like a soft toy and will make a 'mooo!' sound before any calls or sms received! Haiz no time to publish picts now. --- The Crap Abang called asking what I want for a present. Erm no,nope. He called and said Abang: "Aku belikan kau *tuuut sudah ek? Apa ****? Me: [pretty annoyed!]"Huh apa? Bilang mak eh!!!" Abang: "Bilanglah aku tak takut." Rite! I was really worried man. LUCKY abah & ibu come to the rescue. The-Queen-Complaint: Tgk ah si dekni ni... Tak senonoh! Abah: Mana dia? Mana dia?!! Hahahhaha kecoh satu rumah! He then ask what I want after saying all those crapped! Making full use of his spirit-of-giving moment, I sent him SMSes the list of the things that I want! And he replied "LU RELEK SUA" Fine "GUA MAINTAIN.LU TANYA APA?" and the list went on-LONGER!- I'll be expecting somethg ok.*winks* Erm the ESPRIT set looks cool and worth it too! Later he brought back some food home. *Thank You* --- Hasu got herself a new Blog. I extracted this from her entry. Saturday, September 11, 2004 Shaidah's Birthday.... Happy Birthday to Shaidah dearest...over the years you have blossomed into a fine and understanding young woman...I sound as if I'm at least ten years older than you...ha ha...no its not that really but you have seriously changed a lot these years and finally come to realise what sort of person you are and have found your path to the truth...I'm really proud of the way you have mature and changed for the better...All the best to your future endeavors and I know you will be very successful in whichever path you choose in life and most importantly... Be happy always!!! Miss you and take care... All praises to Allah for what I am now! I'm touched! Thank you! Here's another one from Mom Z (via sms): Hi..HAPPY 22nd BIRDAY 2 a little woman. May ALLAH give u jodoh yg best.INSYALLAH. Anyway tak ada apa2 party ke..jaga, jgn ada bom pula. 2day 11 sep...:)) Mi, apa ni jodoh2? Malu I...*blush* Hahaha. U doakan the best for me. I know you will. Miss you so much! Party takde ah, tadi gi wild wild wet je dah rasa semacam!Haiz... Relek ah, baru nak burpday, jgn bom dulu! --- Watched soccer,Man Utd vs Bolton. Draw2-2. The new player, from Argentina played well just now.*Applause* --- Jimah told me that tmrw we can start packing the berkat for Ibrahim's wedding. Now her mom is very excited.*smily* That is why I finished up my work asap. Coz won't have the time tmrw. Having class in the afternoon. Well Jimah, just give me a call if u need anythg- simple! K Jimah, will call u lepas subuh besok. heheh I AM a morning person NOW. Dah besar pe...*ahacks* --- Thk u once again to my frenz out there for yr beautiful msges! Besides wishes, qns were also raised. qn:Bila nak open table? ans:wait long long qn:Fuyoo dah tua! bila mau kawin? ans:Tapi hati i masih muda u! Bila nak kawin ek? kawin kan lah! qn:Dah ada pilihan ke? ans:Pilihan ek? Herman Rheaderson leh? Ruud V.N? erm klw tak Shah...Rukh? Adam Sandler ok tak? Nak Nick Carter jelah..Oitzz, perempuan pilih lelaki ke? suka suka dia lak nak suruh orang pilih! qn:So apa u nak? ans:apa apa je blh.takmu susah susah..laptop ke, free tix to egypt or 1 year supply makan kat delifrance. msg from janice: Happy 21st B'day. U already have the key.... me: erm no actually i already got the key last year. Lost my way, could'nt find the door! Give me sometime, I'll go find it, ok. I'm 22, wishing i'm only 2, just to start all over again.Muahaha... And some funny remarks from funny people: *Dah besar anak mak! *Nak kawin jgn lupa jemput! *Put yr HP closed to yr cheek, Muah! Happy birthday! [Rite...] and so on...Haiz...u pple really make my day! End of celebration. Live life to the fullest! Okzz worn out. Good nite! ~the me, who is not a girl but not yet a woman~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 1:01 AM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
1]Naz & Adil 2]Hasu 3]Uzairi 4]Faizal 5]Zeenath 6]Jumaini 7]Safa 8]Raymond 9]Yanni 10]Ida Rahayu 11]Haris 12]Kareen 13]Aishah Jo 14]Kak Ayu 15]NurAini 16]Mawadhah 17]Hazrul via MSN 18]Yusri Yunos 19]Zilah 20]Mun 21]Khairin 22]Khair 23]Fara 24]Fajrina 25]Imran 26]Zana 27]Angie 28]Mohamed 29]Zan 30]Rahidah 31]Zalinah via sms & tagboard 32]Azita 33]Aein 34]Kar_tini 35]Shiqah 36]Azwan via Tagboard 37]Kak Linda 38]Fau 39]Janice Fong 40]Kak Zai 41]Haziqah 42]Dearest Mummy Z! 43]Suhana via Tagboard 44]Mitchell 45]Hadzrawati for their sweet msges via SMS, Tagboard, MSN... [Since 12am] Going to the wild wild wet later! To ***, I'm really sorry! Not a good "alarm clock" today!Haha, was talking to a friend on the phone then realised its already 9.40! Truly sorry :p ~simply daze~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 1:46 AM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
Happy birthday to me Happy birthday to me Happy birthday to me... Alhamdulillah...! Life extended, another chance given to live life, worshipping Allah. "...Star light, star bright First star I see tonight I wish I may, I wish I might Have the wish, I wish tonight..." RE-BLOGGED "Allaahumma-aja'alnii minal-aqalliin" - Ya Allah jadikanlah aku digolongan orang2 yg sedikit- Kerana yg sedikit ini yang sedar akan tanggungjawabnya pada Ummah. Kerana yg sedikit ini lah yang meneruskan perjuangan Nabi Muhammad Sallaahu 'alayhi wasallam. Kerana yg sedikit ini lah yg mengimpikan utk bersama para salafus saalihiin, para anbiyaa' dan mursaliin di syurga nanti... AMIIN YA RABB Semoga diri ini dipanjangkan usia utk terus menjadi hamba yang bertaqwa & beriman kepadaNya. Wishlist: -Serenity- ~simply me, the-birthday-
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 12:00 AM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() 9 September 04- Almost forgotten about the excitement I had yesterday! When my sis called " Kakak ada parcel untuk kakak tau. Baliklah cepat klw nak tgk..." *Rushed* Received a parcel from a friend! Ouuwww... It was bought when this friend of mine was studying in Egypt. The scarf n sock was given to me as a gift! :) *blush* Now in M'sia, term break! Will be back to Egypt after Ramadhan I guess *winkzzz* ![]() ![]() ![]() From my Principal, Mrs Ng... *Thank You So Much!* Whole day in school from morn to dawn. Work almost done but, never-ending. All ended well for the meeting and setting up the learning centres & corners too. Alhamdulillah! Just received a msg from Faizal- The 'early' Childhood Friend. Muahaha... He'll be on air at RIA 89.7FM as the finalist for the ELIT RIA 04! Fuyooh... Well U have my fullest support there! So tune in to Ria from 10-11pm! All the best Faizal... Some hassles for the planning. *Thanks Kak Linda, for listening* but still, this prob is yet to be solve! Need some compromy, understanding & trust! I believe, it would be better. Am I right? That's all for now. Will be back later- 11.59pm! ~simply-shy-&-slacked~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 8:29 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
Only the brave. Only the brave should teach. Only those who love the young should teach. Teaching is a vocation. It is as sacred as the priesthood; as innate a desire as inescapable as the genius which compels an artist. If he has not the concern for humanity, the love of living creatures, the vision of the priest and the artist, he must not teach. Pearl S. Buck ~simply-me,reading~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 6:57 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
Ambillah masa untuk membaca kerana membaca itu asas kebijaksanaan Ambillah masa untuk berkerja kerana kejayaan tidak datang tanpa usaha Ambillah masa untuk solat kerana solat itu asas ketaatan Ambillah masa untuk bermain kerana bermain itu asas kecergasan Ambillah masa untuk bersedekah kerana masa terlalu singkat untuk diri kita sendiri Ambillah masa untuk tertawa kerana tertawa itu penawar jiwa Ambillah masa untuk bersahabat kerana sahabat itu jalan kebahagiaan Ambillah masa untuk berkasih kerana kasih sayang itu kurniaan Allah s.w.t yg maha esa Nukilan dari buku Antologi Muhasabah Inmind 1 bab Menangani tugas, memperuntuk masa. ~simply me, sharing~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 6:55 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
The world children live in, is shaped by their families, communities, socioeconomics, status, education & culture..." " I always smile when we are called 'the teachers'. As most people who work with young children wil tell you, we are kept on our toes with the challenges our children set for us, and we just never stop learning from them ! - Lynne Marris, early childhood teacher. Don't be surprise by the next extract, if u think that children nowadays are: 1] Too loud 2] Too playful 3] Love material things 4] Do not help out with household chores 5] Lack reference for elders On the real fact, lets read what 'The Socrates' described children: "Children now love luxury, they had bad manners, contempt for authority, they show disrespect for their elders, and they love chatter in the place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize over the teachers." - Socrates 469-399 BC The year. Look at it again. Before Christ, children are already like that! ***'Socrates, yang mempercayai serta beriman kepada Allah s.w.t dan juga yang telah dapat menundukkan Aristophanes yang mengingkari adanya Ketuhanan, setelah mereka [Socrates] membuat kajian dan mendapati kajian kajian mereka dapat diterima akal fikiran i.e 'aqli, serta dengan cara penelitian yang sihat.'*** ~the-simply-me,quoting extract~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 10:09 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
Just got back home! Did'nt go back to school as Ain & Mdm Chong went back home already... Camni bila mau settle. Its alrite- Esok Masih Ada 0900hr *haizzzzzz* will try to end at 1200hr,latest-1300hr.... For today,Alhamdulillah, the journey went on smoothly. The self & social was FUN... ![]() Refreshment served: Tuna puff, choc ice-cream puff and the honeyed chicken patty with a cup of hot coffee! *hmmm* ![]() What is self & social? .Developing self awareness/social skills .Developing skills in relationship building .Cultivating healthy habits! #1. What I want my child to be...? [five points] I did the presentation! Each of us have to come out with 1 value. All answers overlapped with the rest of the other 6 groups!errr...except for one! a] independent[ i agree] b] sociable[ok agreeable but with limit lah...] c] attentive... d] sharing... e] **optimist-[i gave this point:P] #2. Drawing: Self Portrait- What influenced yr choice? #3. Charade Game *yawn*!- Readg facial & body expression! #4. Perspective Taking- * looking into the sequence of events, * discuss as a group, how the 'victim' wld hv reacted to the situation? * explain why, * how wld u, as teacher, help both parties to resolve the conflict? #5. Let's Synergise- Suggested topic: Anger/Kindness- 2 ways: Explicit teaching or Incidental teaching. My group were given scenario "during snack time" Obviously an Incidental teaching. And I kena do the presentation again! Hmmm #6. My apple .Be very observant .Need to know what we are looking for .Every 'child' is unique .There's a star in each one of us...if u cut the apple horizontally. Then, we had to put an adjectives before our name following the initial. Example: Sharing Sean...Perfect Phyllis Mine: Simply Shaidah ;)! Covered lots more like the goals for developing self awareness when they will actually learn more abt themselves, positive self concept, confidence carrying out simple tasks and most importantly to speak when necessary! Heheheh For social awareness, those 'angels' will learn how to establish friendship.To know the importance of sharing n cooperating with others, have a sense of belonging and are to develop an appropriate social-moral behaviour,habits. Errr...mak bapak takleh ajar sendiri ke ni? Nak cover syllabus lagi...apa ni semua chicher nak kene buat ke?! Basically, they need to learn & accept who they are- simply unique.Dealing with their own emotions, self control, knowing their limitations, making choices & living with the consequences and many many more I can't remember! The effectiveness, strategies, ideas for activities and the environmental factors. Gosh...Whoops... Friday is Sharing/Feedback session leh... Met a friend just now. An official friend. Dengan rasminya telah menjadi kawan! :P Hehehe Went for prayers at Ghufran and went back home-early! I felt that I must talk to her! Guess what, she msg me when I'm praying!!! Masyallah! To Jimah, thk u so much for listening. My 'Secret's Safe box' & 'Instant Guide' when lost,! Free labour-hahaha,*winks/hugs* Eh and must bring me along, OK??? ***Continuing with my hsehold chores*** See u again tonight! ~simply shaidah~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 3:40 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
:)--> Talkin' abt the hols. <<060904 Monday>> Woke up quite late. Really enjoy my sleep! :) Went out for awhile-FAST GAME! I see people rushing for time during lunch...me? heheh i'm in no hurry! Nothing much to blog abt Monday. Because I did'nt plan anythg for Mon & Tue -> Just-Stay-At-Home, surf the net, watch T.V till I rot, spick and span my room and do some errands. End the day reading the book that my aunt gave. Oh yeah... Jimah got a new phone! :D <<070904 Tuesday>> Woke up very early tdy to accompany Mom. But it ended earlier than what I expected! Reached home, had my breakfast, read newspaper, read my books, do my PERGAS assignment, surf the net, republish my Blog and chat with Jimah while she's in the office, at the same time, I cleared up some stuff in my room again.[this is what i call, multi-tasking] Put up some new picts using the frames that my dearies gave. A room-full-of-frames![Wah...best seh dapat buat byk benda-mana blh buat camni bila sekolah dah buka nanti?] At abt 3, as usual, when Mr Spidey is back, he will control the PC! So I decided to take a good rest but... I fall asleep. Jimah called at 5.15. Tot she reached Simei already cos we plan to meet to x-chg stuff- panicked sekejap! Met her at 6.50. Had my dinner and catch the 7.30 malay drama at Suria- SEMBILU! After the news, I went inside my room and surf the net again. Mum came in and we end up talking while i'm still blogging here...hehehhe.And at the same time I'm chatting with some friends online!Whew... BTW, I have a workshop tmrw at Spring Singapore-Redhill. A work shop for the learning corners- Self & Social! Ain went for Lang & Lit-cool. I wanted to go for Music and Movement or maybe Aesthetic & Creativity or Numeracy but, its-ok-lah... Kak Nita and her hubby will be fetching me!*Thank You*Awrites, that's all for tdy. Good Night. ~the-homely-me~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 10:53 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() ![]() Begin the day with a light breakfast and got myself ready for the Walimahtul Urus...It's my Dad's relative wedding invitation, so we can't missed it even though Mum and I was very reluctant to go due to some reasons *sigh* [this is what i called, humanity enigma.] Was quite bored but I enjoyed all the songs spinned by the deejay!Nothing special. Their colour theme was maroon & pink. I walked around the linkhouse and snap photographs- to show my abang!heheh Did not see lots of other relatives n cousins yet. We were early. Noticed that they were still preparing. The food was nice & lots of delicacies ranging from old to the latest version. They spent quite close to what Abah will spend for Abang. No difference in spending money for a daughter or a son to get married. The only difference is the procedure. The amount of 'fulus' still "big" to serve the guests with an appropriate recept. This wedding consider 'not-so-bad'. Back to the scene, what I like best about the wedding was the "pelamin" Imagining myself as the bride walking down the aisle on the red carpet, with some instrumental song, guest mesmerized at...rite! My handphone vibrated. Cisss siapa ni? nak apa lagi...??? Duh! A phonecall from a friend. NVM *winksss* I just love to dream, build castles in the air then will try to make it happen and at the end of it, I would say "nothing is impossible!" We did not stay long, went home after we ate. Thought of resting myself but ended up, I fall asleep! When I woke up, the time was just nice for me to get ready for class. Whoa dun tell me I'm going to miss the Sirah class again. I've missed two lessons already. Met Yanni at Simei MRT and we reached our classroom in the nick of time. As usual, lots of absentees! But Alhamdulillah, Allah had answered my prayers- class was fun today! Hahaha... Unty Lela n family came -> to invite us to the prayer feast and received my first advance B'day present from her! *thk u so much* I like it.Read the book's review sometimes ago. ![]() Book tittle: 1511H [KOMBAT] Author: Faisal Tehrani :) ![]() I'll stop here first. Berita Jam 8 malam starting soon! Eversince Anwar was freed, I always catch the latest news about him at any resources especially, the M'sia channel! Sure Dr M will be wordless to see hundreds of Anwar's supporters overcrowding at the airport just to send him off to Munich for the operation. *jangan jeles* Insyallah, he will be fine and hopefully he would be able to proceed with his plans smoothly. Amin Ya rabb... ~ the-politically-uninvolved-me ~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 7:40 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
A period whereby my Diligency was being tested. Simply losing the stoicism in me. It was a challenging term. A re-cap...The Offer...The Declining...The Accusation...The Clearing Stage- susah ni tau-kalah politic kat m'sia!... The Reputation...The Complaint...The unJust...The Hosting...The Graduation Concert...The Dinner & Dance...The Internet Curfew...The flop Plan...haiz... Well, it was nothing actually. Yeah true, it cost me my felicity, woes and indignation but it was just a 'momentary mess' of my life.[Let's feel blessed, at least it did not cost my Life-that's more important!] Well, it could be a blessing or a lesson to be learnt. No harm done. Whew... The political issues: Anwar is freed- ALHAMDULILLAH! But still that Tun Tan Sri Datuk Dr M who is famous with his poetry of Melayu Mudah Lupa insist that poor Anwar deserve the punishment...and said that "...saya yakin dia tetap bersalah..."Apa ni, gila ke? Lebih dari mahkamah pulak. Melayu mudah lupa? Why don't u do a few times of self-reflection? Hopefully, Pak Lah will make a reformation. Do it, and the rakyatz will love you. Barulah boleh kibar jalur gemilang dgn kesepaduan! Amaciam? klah takleh ckp byk2 psl politik ni, nnt kena 'gam'... What's on the way? - the two thirds of the year entry[draft] - new links in 'the simply me' - another celebration :D - graduation concert - last term of the year, Term IV Last but not least, to my sis, Happy 12th Birthday! Present: My priceless prayers, bolehlah ek? :P Time to get some rest. Going to school tmrw till afternoon...*yawn* to clear some stuff n the last prac before hols.!!! O my gawd...hang on there, shyda. okz, b-logging off... ~the non-stabilizer me~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 10:56 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
We meet again! I'm MISSING you badly...I know you will always be there for me only after 10 weeks, but not to worry, my LOVE for you will never fade. In fact I'll be NEEDING you more as the term coming to an end. Now i'm glad we met again. Till 'school-re-open' do us apart. *sob* P/S: You are always in my heart & on my mind! *muahckzzz* A song specially dedicated to you:"Hooray hooray its a happy holidays" - Boney M *winkz* Love, Miss Aidah@PCF. ~the "needy"? me~ >>NEED A BREAK LAH...
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 10:15 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
Just watched the Sg Idol. Applause to Daphne Khoo. However, i think she's too young to be an Idol. Well, wait & see. Not going to blog more on this IDOL thgy. I strongly believe, as a Muslim, we have our very own IDOL. [Tepuk dada, tanya Iman!] I reason out with Dad just now. Outcome: 60min extended! muah thank u sooo much. Had syllabus planning in the evening. Everythg went well eventhough there was a kind of "stormy" moodswing going on somewhere...*sigh* More & more coming in... Went home after the planning with the extra 2 bags. That was the 3rd trip of my Teachers'Day presents! Got a flask, 3 mugs, Delfi's chocolates and a story book!!!!! My fave author: Nora Roberts> [since when they know I read?]. Have some more in my school cupboard...haiz!I'll clear by tmrw...malas nyer.............. B'day countdown:[w.e.f from yesterday!] Yeah my burfdae...got to know that Mr Mah will be with us and gonna give him a surprise b'day party [falls on my birthday]at Wild Wild Wet in conjunction with the YP[young PAP] Recruitment Day cum PCF Staff Day. Celebrate with the MP eh?!paisehleh... Family members/friends can join in and pay the fees at a cheaper rate...*winks* Holiday Mood One more day and I'll meet the HOLIDAYS again! I can't hardly wait-yeah the simply me! I've planned my not-so-tight schedule. That will INCLUDE: meeting up with Mom Z [a long one], catch'g up with Raud who's still in Oz-bet she's enjoyg herself there in the non-stressful country, appt with Rank Cpy *haiz*, spick/span, fasting and blogging. Heheh... Gotta end the day soon. Alhamdulillah..., I felt blessed ;p Aights...landing time! zzzZZZzzz [dreaming of the next celebration-being 22 *winks*] ~the me, who is in the holiday mood~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 10:48 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() Ok look at it closely? Any familiar name there? Yes! My Jimah's name!Heheheh came over to her place before the dinner to take a look at her wardrobe when she showed me this book! *winks* ![]()
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 3:21 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
Here is the link of my fave song video music: EXCLUSIVE PERFORMANCE- LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE by JET. ~CHECK IT OUT~[click on it] Here's the lyric: "Look What You've Done" Take my photo off the wall If it just won't sing for you 'Cause all that's left has gone away And there's nothing there for you to prove Oh, look what you've done You've made a fool of everyone Oh well, it seems likes such fun Until you lose what you had won Give me back my point of view 'Cause I just can't think for you I can hardly hear you say What should I do, well you choose Oh, look what you've done You've made a fool of everyone A fool of everyone A fool of everyone Take my photo off the wall If it just won't sing for you 'Cause all that's left has gone away And there's nothing there for you to do ~the musical me~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 12:56 AM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.