::through the lifespan:: |
SHYJIVEISM ![]() SEaQUAL DIVE-IN Silence of the Dolphin IN DEPTH ECHOS 03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004 04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004 05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004 06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004 07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004 08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004 09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004 10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004 11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004 12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005 01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005 02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005 03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005 04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005 05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005 06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005 07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005 08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005 09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005 11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005 12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006 01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006 02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006 03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006 04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006 05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006 06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006 07/01/2006 - 08/01/2006 08/01/2006 - 09/01/2006 10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006 11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006 05/01/2008 - 06/01/2008 08/01/2008 - 09/01/2008 |
![]() In the skytrain with dearies...during the trip to Changi Airport! ![]() Today my dearies n I went to Changi Airport for our third fieldtrip. We really enjoy ourselves there! Looking around n learning more about our themes - transportation. As usual, their excitement will always make their teacher eager to show them more! Their parents were telling me: "they cldnt even finish up their meal properly coz very excited to go to the airport" "woke up very early coz cant wait for the trip!" Ouw.... so cute... Alhamdulillah... Good response huh. As 'usual', with them, there will be moments which i could never forget! scene #1: We reached T1 at 9am. After a short briefing, telling them abt the rules n programes we begin our sightseeing. As we reached the departure gate, i was called by Sara Sara: "Teacher I got no money to go in there[pointing to the departure gate]" Me: "Err... Who says we are going in there?" Sara: "So we are not going in?" Me: "hahaha...no dear" scene #2: I approached one of the SIA staff for information abt T2. Last week when i went there, it was still under renovation. So i was asking that "guy" if the place would be convenient for me to bring the kids there. While i was talking....this is what happened. Zi Wen: "Miss Aidah talking to boyfriend" Wi En: "haaaaaaa miss aidah yr boyfriend ah?" Me: -speechless- NO[freak]. He's working here. I'm asking him about the T2. Yeah yeah... like real! Gaawdd....Malu nyer.... and that-really-annoying-miang guy extended our conversation "oohh miss aidah eh?" urghh....me: "yeah...thanks eh" he was trying to play around with the kids so... me: "ok children say thank you to uncle"[grin....hehehhehe] dearies: "thaaank yoouu uncle" he: huh? yeah ok... and we walk away...luckily ain's class was in front of us..we catch up with her and walk together.Whewwww The rest of the other crew members burst out laughing. Hahhaha but he did supply me with some information.*Thank u* scene #3: And I totally forgotten about that guy we saw earlier. We met again when we were about to leave. Walking past each other and.......aaaarghhhhhhhh he: "bye aunty" eeeeeeee cari gaduh betul!!! but the score didnt end there...my dearies saw him and cried out...bye uncle!!!! YESSSSSSS! I look at him and shrug. Hahahhah! Jahat sgt, selisih jadi boyfriend mcm ni...eee taknaklah....! As for the kids, again i explain to them that HE IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND Haaaiiiizzzz The Seoul Garden ![]() ![]() We reached school at about 12.15pm. After dismissal..we continue with our lunch at SEOUL GARDEN-my fave!!! My Principal's treat for Teachers' Day! Did enjoy myself there. Penat seh kena masak sendiri tapi oklah...sekali sekala... I was so full...and kinda lazy to walk. Haiz... btw Thank you Mrs Ng! Ok another brief blog for the past few days... The Dinner and Dance ![]() ![]() 1] The Teachers' Day Dinner & Dance- Was'nt that bad.Eventually manage to get somethg wic comfortable for me to put on...The food was good..yeah its nice...8 courses altogether...but i just hate the "revenue" thgy...so dissapointed.During that time i dont feel good at all...and i've to tolerate it...astaghfirullah.... :( Maybe thats y i guess i could feel that its not going to be a good day for me... ![]() The door gift was the bag that i wanted to buy last month! I was smiling-like-anythg when i open it. Once again it really came at the right time! Next...my place, table 27. And lastly, this is the far view of the stage where the G.O.H came from... ![]() The Precious Moments with Dearies 2] Teacher's Day "celebration" with the kids...whoa...besides the present/gifts, we had our personal moments together in the music room yesterday...hehehhe my deary shawn said "friends...it hugging time for someone special!" and they all dashed to me and i receive many sets of hugs n kisses....oouuuwwww...so touched! To the kids that had given me the present/gifts, thank u! I love you all soooooooooooooooooo much! ![]() Of all the frames...I love this the best! From my deary twins! ![]() This year I received lots of chocolates! Dove [5 sets of 16 sticks]& few boxes of Roche as usual and Toblerone! Have few headscarves,flowers[as usual], vouchers!!hehehe, lotsa photo frames, brooches, and A Dolphin Keychain!!!! Yeeyyyy and some food...wheewww...cant digest anymore! Oh yeah I got one Full set of Body Shop Cosmetics!Very useful- It came at the right time! Alrite gotta go...past 10 already...but no one seems to remind me tonight!*winks* oh come on there's no school for me tmrw! Give me a chance man. Its my Day! ~simply me-celebrating-enjoying-rejoicing-and-many-more~ hehehhe
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 10:26 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
It's gonna be a boring day...I knew it...I can sense. Today i'm not myself. Waking up early and not sure of what to do. Lots of errands n stuff to do yet I was so lost. This is just not me. As u know, waking up early in the morn is not my cup of tea. Simply because...i'm not a morning person!! hehhehhe but seriously [damn serious ok!] i'm not in the mood to sleep, go out or doing anythg else! err blogging- YES! I prefer sitting in front of the PC and stare at the screen,much much more better than going for the Concert pracs and worst of all the Teachers' Day Celebration- D&D[blurghhh] I used to like doing the graduation concert for the children. I enjoy doing it. But due to some factors, my interest died out. Again, this is just not me. ![]() ![]() Another UNINSPIRED celebration. Haiz... Theme: Shanghai Surprise -> O Pleasss...I'm not surprised at all! Time: 7pm-12am -> Gila Aper!!!??? Dress Code: Chinese Ethnic Costume-> Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Table no.: 27-> same with that witch! *puke* I really cant be bother abt this, all i know, it gives me nothing but trouble looking for the costume. Yesss Alhamdulillah i got one, super mismatch!...So what if its a grand event??? I'm not interested...I came across photographs they took last year. They were really ON..."bridal kind of costume" also they wore for this event. Oh come on get real! Going to sch now! Signing off, ~simply not-celebrating me~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 8:09 AM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
It rain twice during the day...When the second time it rain, my 'children' start to whisper. Some started to giggle, sigh, 'pray'!!!!!! and the noise level began to rise! simply me: What's happening there? Was it the thunder or the children here are making noise? madhuri: nooo...we all whisper only...discussing lah teacher! simply me: what?? discussing? ok make a circle now. I will join in the discussion! madhuri: nolah.. nothing... we talk abt rain only...nothing...[start worrying] simply me: Rain?? Hmm interesting..tell me abt it...come on...give me smile first. The children started to giggle again...i'm still in the 'dark'. We sat in circle and they were so eager to share abt the 'rain' thgy. simply me: Javier would u like to share wif me? Err abt the rain? javier: raining again! simply me: yeah...twice... so? javier:[giggling] Just now morning rain one time before i go sch..now two time when im at school...don't know got 3 time or not.haizzz[shooking his head!!!!!] this is how my children talk!!! plus with the chinese accent! simply me: oohhh [tryg hard not to laugh] came in another question... Xuan Yu: Teacher, tonite will rain or not? simply me: ermmm hang on i'll ask the big boss![What a Qn?] Xuan Yu: Haaaaah boss? My father also got boss! simply me:[pause (alamak, caught)] Err i mean i'll chk the newspaper or i'll hear the news, then i'll tell u later.Hehheheehe [now the teacher giggle! Haiyah] Heheheh some giggle bcos to them its funny to rain more than once in a day. Some sigh bcos rainy day will make them feel cold! And one of them prayed that tmrw will not rain! When ask Y? she said: Tomorrow go playground so dunwan rain to drop! simply me: aiyah...ok ok...[shocked!!!] Ok i'll end here.It's 10pm! Oh yeah...Kak fizah lend me the picts that we took on the racial harmony day! It was really nice!And I got my class photo already!!!Yeeeeyyyy! ~ the shivering me ~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 10:05 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() Yeeaaahhh this is it man! Jimah's baking choc chip cookies...look at her leg there! U see, she got this uniqueness in her...she will always do stuff with style! So when kneading the dough, she strike a 'distinctive pose'. In all her cookies turned out well! *Applause* Ppsst...look at the pic, u shld know by now, not only she kneads with her fingers but also with her toes.....SSSSsssssHHHhhhhh!!! Muahaha kiddin'...Juz Kiddin'...Guwow jelah... ![]()
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 10:18 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() The balance of the dough, we make them into our initials!!! Jimah's idea! ![]()
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 9:24 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
~Brief Blog~ [err is there such thing?] So what happened on the 19th of Aug: It was a Thursday. One more day to Pay Day! Went home early coz had a prayer feast [every Thurs] at home with my family. Was busy at work so after releasing my class, I grabbed my bag, signed the rec book and dashed to the exit door for home! Why rushed? Hehheehe mum called "Dah, niari ada murtabak tau, balik jgn beli makan" Hehehhe dats y lah. So far Alhamdulillah, nothing happen. ~simply waiting-for-the-20th-of-Aug me~ 20th of Aug Pay Day!!! Alhamdulillah... :) Work as usual,rushing for time everyday. Today a lil' draggy. It was raining heavily since 2pm. Went home with Abi. We share a cab. And again, I reached home early! :) I'm happy with what i'm doing now. After that fateful 'incident' I already promised myself to be home as early as possible and give this tired-body-of-mine a good rest! [A blessing in disguised]. Spent the nite at home. I felt good. However, there's a not-so-good news for me>> I hv been banned to use the internet after 10pm! *Sigh* Like a nightmare! Not telling the reasons why!Boooo.... Haizzz. Ok takper aku redha ... Relek ah.Tak marah pun cuma geram cikit jer... ~the unspeakable me~ 21th of Aug Went to sch as early as 8.30 on a saturday morning for a workshop! UUURRRGHHHHH! Fortunately it was a lively one. Lets not talk abt it. I was late for 5 mins. Woke up at 7.50. Kak linda gave me 7 missed calls and a sms. I cant sleep the nite before. So macam flash mandi, siap, got a cab at 7.25. Ain was in a cab too! We reached at the same time!!! At least jadi 'star' ada kawan!!! Hheheh. Today was the 3rd day of concert practs at the M.P.H. The stage manager came to look at our items. It goes without saying! I can sense its prelude! So I officially announce, that here is another worthless political issues. What a controversy over such a thing. This is the problem working in a female environment! That is why I prefer to work with the MALE! So much intelligible! Welcome to the commencement of The 3F [Finding Flaws and Faulties] What the *tuuut*!!!??? With this two event, it killed half of the day!But i'm glad, for us, our center, we are still together intact. We're ready with the answers to their questions! Went lunch with Kak Jo & Ain. After that, I accompanied Ain to get her contact lenses.Spent less than an hour at the optical shop. Then we continue with our shopping!!! We shopped for abt 2hrs then we took cab and headed home. Upon reaching home, i told ibu abt the Isetan/Metro sale on the hsehold appliances. We planned what to get. Again, went to Isetan/Metro with dad and grabbed some stuffs. When we reached home it was already 6.30. So worned out. Spent the nite at home resting n talking with mum... ~simply controversy@work & carefree@home~ Today... Enjoyed myself today. Woke up early*applause*. Jimah came over to my place! We baked choc chip cookies and watch two malay VCDs. We had a good laugh... as usual, my 'nasty' jokes to her and the lines said in the movies tickled us! We met at around 12. I was shocked upon reaching the eggs counter at NTUC. There's a note there saying: Each customer can buy maximum 2 trays of eggs[10 eggs on each tray]and must spent a minimum of $10 excluding the eggs. *Gulp* Whaaaaatttt??? Mum asked me to get 50 eggs cause she had to bake cakes.OOhhhh then how??? So i called jimah to meet earlier!*sorry mah, u missed yr mum's cooking* We divide the cost $10 each so we can purchase 40 eggs. Alhamdulillah... can't forget this...the two girls n a blue trolley!Gosh.... alrite have only 20 mins left to 10. Gotta go... See i'm really poisoned with addiction.Die die must blog jugak.Any potion to cure??? Oh yeah i did my lenghty intro in the prev entry-one third of the year...so two thirds of the year coming soon--->Sharing session of shyjive's new discoveries...Its just a free world of my own... ~the "initially-ghastly-&-eventually-rejoiced" me~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 9:40 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() Today my girls seems to bun up their hair like this! Same flower, same style! Look at my Sara and Wi En- CUTE! ![]()
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 10:22 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() Was walking home with Jimah after our heavy dinner...and we saw this sign! We laugh like anythg.Especially me.I just couldnt help it. By nature, when i laugh, i cant stop! ![]()
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 10:08 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() *Sigh* Been doing the lesson plan since maghrib and manage to end it at 12.40...in between, I do my prayers n chatted with Jimah for awhile ;) tmrw gotta report to work :/ *Tired* Upon finishing my work, i immediately update my blog- yeah yeah>ADDICTED! can't be bothered to clear up the mess rather do this blogging thgy! Okies time to get 'some' sleep! Sweet dreams! ![]() ~simply addicted blogging with a messy desktop??~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 1:07 AM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
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Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 9:49 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() ![]() Picture taken with Mr Mah B T- MP for Tampines East GRC and our General Manager- Mr Benny Yeo. And of course, my fellow colleagues...I'm somewhere there. Can u spot me? I'm gonna get the class photo soon...! Can't wait to see my dearies in the picts...:D ~the "can't-hardly-wait" me~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 9:43 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() ![]() Take a look at them.... Left;top: me & farisha/ me & afifah/ me & yong ting/ uddin 'baby'/ jing ji 'chia bus 291'!!! Left;bottom: abg & kak haji-haziq & natasha/ n children from Apple1,2 and Mango 2... ~simply me with bunch of cuties~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 9:42 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() Everybody is talking abt the Wild wild wet...they say its good to D-stressd yrself...hmmm so last saturday ain n i was surveyg the 'muslimah swimwear' [err is there such thing?] btw inclusive of the tudung/pants it'll cost u more than $100...Not worth!... i don't have the time to go there often.So y waste?? ![]()
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 11:56 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() #4 Familiar?: I was abt to chg my pouch then I saw this pic in one of the pockets--> My Fave Ftballer, Abbas Saad! Hehehe used to go crazy abt him! Those were the days!*Haiz* ![]()
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 11:38 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() Went out with Shima just now. As usual i will always enjoy the laughters we had, the views/jokes we shared, the shopping spree moment hehehe... ![]() We also went around looking out for some stuff for Shima's wedding as well. Along the way we saw Haney Hadad... :) K...really worn out. Tmrw morning jimah gonna accompany my mum...Thank u so much...May Allah reward u. ~simply enjoying the last bit of my holidays~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 11:32 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
Today is the last day of 'my holidays! :( Still not feeling well...weak...feverish...flu'ish'..... Yesterday, as always, a busy day for me ->clearing up my room. Mom keep reminding me abt Abang's wedding..."You need to do some thing abt yr room" Alhamdulillah managed to do so eventhough it was so draggy. While clearing up, i came across the things that gave me a flashback of old memories... -FOUND- . pictures . the cassettes [so-called-album] . friendship bands . exam papers[with gd results] . movie/gig tix . greeting/b'day cards [haha!had a gd laugh] . notebooks . autograph books....[haha!this is the best!!!] And some other things.... :) I finished up everythg before 12 midnite and i post some pics on my blog which i snapped earlier! K gtg! i'm going out later with my fren.erm maybe for lunch? Aights... ~simply sick but occupied~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 6:47 AM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() #4 Cleared!: After clearing up my room, i "cleared" my notice board aka schedule board! Next to be cleared-->: MIND! So blessed to see it's empty again! ![]() ~simply 'cleared'~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 1:49 AM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() #3 BSB Concert live in S'pore: This is the Pass to get in the stadium/backstage to meet the boys! Courtesy of Rahidah. ![]()
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 1:44 AM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() #2 Memories: Used to carry all these stuff when i'm chilling out with my friends during my secondary school days...Won't leave the house without the coin pouch, PS pouch, pager and watch! Those were the days! ![]()
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 1:41 AM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() #1 Found this: Notice about the SPELLING? Hahah ![]()
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 1:36 AM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
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Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 10:26 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() This is Abi! The host for the afternoon session. hehheh We were in the bus number 12. I took 12 today coz i went to naz's place :( God knows why...NVM! Abi n I were talking abt what had happened earlier on...we were like oh-thank-god-its-over n managed to get things done n over with-smoothly...! *All praises to Allah* ~simply hosting :)~ ![]()
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 1:28 AM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
Woohooo...I've done it...First time i actually open myself up to the crowd. Stressful for me as i thought i could'nt do it. I tried so hard not to think abt the hosting thingy.Well not easy to be the Master of Ceremony- frightening! But Alhamdulillah it went well...for a first timer that is. I host the morning session n Abi did it with the afternoon session.. Memorising the script was tedious for me. U know the same old problem...I just dont like to memorise... Still have to refer to the cue cards...Hmmm But its kinda fun celebrating with the kiddos. Let's hear this: simply me: A very good morning to Mrs Ng & fellow colleagues. Children, pls stand up and greet mrs ng and the rest of the teachers. children: [draggy] Gooood Moooorrniiiingg Mrs Ng... Gooooo Moooorniiing Teachers... simply me: Oooohh that was not good enuff...m sure u all can do better than this...come on, one more time.Gd Morng everybody! They greeted again, this time around it was livelier! simply me: Alrite much better...Can I have all of u to sit down now.Do u know y we r here tdy? children: celebrate national daaaaay....![so-the-semangat*enthusiastic] simply me: Good...So what is national day? children: singapoooore birthdaaaaay....! simply me: Aha...hmmm do u know how old is singapore? children: 39 years ooold...! simply me: Wow correct!!thats great...Ok so r u all ready? children: yeeeeeeessss simply me: can we start now? children: yeeeeeesssss simply me: R u all happy today? children: yeeeeeeessss mrs ng: r u as old as singapore? children: yeeeeeeessss audience: Huuuuuhhhhhhhh?????[Laughters] Gotcha...Not easy to warm them up We start off singing two songs...Count on me singapore n Let's build community! Next we played a game- rearranging the words'SINGAPORE' Then we sang another 2 songs...We are Singapore n Stand up for Singapore After that we played another game...fixing puzzle-MERLION! and time to choose Master Merlion & Miss Joaquim Judges were the language teacher n mrs ng We end the party with some refreshment-the tidbits dat we've collected from the children a week ago...! We went back to our classroom & give out the national day souveniour to the children...What a day...but most important for me that the children actully enjoyed themselves... ~simply me who is very the "we-are-singapore"~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 11:43 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() Was not well since monday...took mc on wed for the very first time this year!Will have a long holiday after tomorrow due to the National day...yey!Gotta spend my time wisely-no nonsense- however i'll blog, thats for sure.. okies i'm signing off, sweet dreams. ![]()
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 1:49 AM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() Do I look like i am expecting????? *Haizzzz* ![]()
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 1:19 AM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.