::through the lifespan:: |
SHYJIVEISM ![]() SEaQUAL DIVE-IN Silence of the Dolphin IN DEPTH ECHOS 03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004 04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004 05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004 06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004 07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004 08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004 09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004 10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004 11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004 12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005 01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005 02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005 03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005 04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005 05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005 06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005 07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005 08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005 09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005 11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005 12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006 01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006 02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006 03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006 04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006 05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006 06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006 07/01/2006 - 08/01/2006 08/01/2006 - 09/01/2006 10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006 11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006 05/01/2008 - 06/01/2008 08/01/2008 - 09/01/2008 |
The Sentosa trip was great just now.Took lots of pics! :) Abg was on duty just now so he did'nt join us touring that place. Its kinda hot. Last year went with linda,abg and haziqah. so this time ard i'm quite familiar with da place :D We reached at 9am and took five cool goody bags! and inside it there's this one brochure abt Love Should'nt Hurt [mcds] and it attracts me!*shrug*I carry it along with me and read through. We were kinda handful so i asked my dad that we are not going to carry the bags with us, arent we? And he agreed that we put back all those bags inside our car before we continue our walk...We make an attempt to go back at 12. The first place we went to was, the creepy crawlies section that is the butterfly park or rather museum. I have nothing against those butterflies so i went in with so much of bravery *ahacks* Its obvious that i'm tryg to keep my cool!Ahaha By then its already 10.15.We took the monorail back to station 1 to move on next to cinemania.Its 11am when we went in the cinemania.I really had no idea what we will go through in this weird room...weird chairs...[cos we didnt went in last year]so when the 'show' started i was like 'eh asal gambar dia hitam putih seh...eh seramnya org tua ni...'lthen my seat started to move and the screen chged! WOW look at that..as i saw the screen chges!As though i was really sitting in that roller coaster n flying above da seas to different kind of places...masya allah...i just cant described..Its really cool man!So actually that old man teringat kisah dia dulu dulu...hahha when the show ended the old man smile and walk away...hmmm when i got home[1pm]...i washed up and land myself on my bed....lepakzz and i woke up at 4...started to find for food..didnt have anythg for lunch but had a heavy breakfast! then do my prayers..and clean my room cos tmrw sch reopen and im gonna be busy again..cant hardly wait to see 'my children'!!!After our magh prayers we watch the vid shoots that my dad took at sentosa just now..had a good laugh!So after isya i iron clothes pack my bags for tmrw and last touch up for my room. Actually i'm feeling scared and insecure now...no confidence to work tmrw.After a long holiday,dun feel like going back to work..ops...Already i didnt turned up on saturday, worksheets not done..rhymes not completed...but neways i found out nobody turned up as well...so not my fault what!?heheheh i will finish up the work..its ok...not to worry shyda...*the positive me* Next- computer!I'm a blog freak now compared to last time.Simply can't stop my hands from typing away in my blog! Maybe so used to the diaries...hahha okie...gota get some sleep now. Oh yeah Shaf, neways sorry didnt get to accompany u to pergas to buy the books just now...but thank god our bags gonna be lighter than the 1st sem *winkzzz* and how many points u "scored" when u met his mum????? haha! ~the bloggy me~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 11:56 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() The lonely me... ![]()
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 2:09 AM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() Jimah took this pic for me after the opening ceremony of CSW. After that we watch HOMERUN together...and i fall asleep halfway... :D Cant be help.Really tired I dunno how come we end up in this CSW thingy but it's all because... 'keranamu abg' hahah but its kinda good if we look at it from another angle. ![]()
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 1:12 AM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
may allah bless me! ~simply me who is problematic yet cool?~ ok jugaklah
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 12:10 AM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
Okies...cheer up...yeah rite Nazzy...FRANCE's out!!!OMG! hmmm Later Netherland vs Sweden!Gonna catch it later with mum again! Go Netherland... I'm going to Sentosa with my family tomorrow...Haiz...of all the places...Abg got the tix cos he's on duty tomorrow.Not easy being a civil servant huh...Dad was so happy with the polo tees I bought for him...*smile* Well u look great in those polo tees...Cute seehh... hehehe *grinz* oh yeah Shaf sms me in the aftenoon asking if i'm going for class tmrw? *puzzled* But I tot it'll start only next week? When called for confirmation, she said its the majlis ta'limat tomoro for the Ist year PERGAS student...But i didnt receive any letter. And Shaf said "Dun worry i just got it just now"...Huh???? how can that be!?*put off* Gonna ask Nuraini tmrw...haizzzz last minute...baru nak pergi sentosa...tak aman langsung! But the best part is i'm gonna start with new sub! i.e: sirah/ arab/ tajwid! *winkzz* okies summing up...i talked alot today...*lol* which seldom happen...correct?haha and kinda tired!Need to prepare for tmrw>>> iron clothes!!! signing off-> ~the naggy me~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 11:40 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() Memorable times ![]()
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 5:20 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() i watch the thrilled,crucial and devastating match again just now. The team did quite well maybe luck is not by their side.I'm talking abt england..hmmm....germany out...england out...if netherland out i dunno what to say... i stayed at home for the rest of the afternoon updating my blog, scanning pictures & do up my lesson plan.Just want to enjoy the last bit of my holiday...tomorrow gotta go back to sch...to cyclostyle all the worksheets...i'm giving myself 2 hrs to get the ws done and clear up my 'really disorganised' cupboard. Not sure if Dina is coming back tomorrow, if not then i wont be meeting her.Aft sch going to Bedok to get a whitening cream!okies gonna continue with my lesson plan..left abt 5 more pages! ~the thrilled-devastated-n dissapointed me- ![]()
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 12:42 AM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
then i woke up at 9am sharp!Felt so bad!luckily nothing happen... When i woke up, the first i did was to chk my email!Why?err i dunno...I received an email from naz a very meanigful song- The reason i'm not a perfect person. there are many things i wish i didnt do but i continue learning. i never meant to do those things to you. and so i have to say before i go, that i just want you to know i've found a reason for me, to change who i used to be a reason to start over new, and the reason is you i'm sorry that i hurt, its something i must live with everyday and all the pain i put you through, i wish that i could take it all away and be the one who catches all your tears, thats why i need you to hear i'm not a perfect person, i never meant to do those things to you and so i have to say before i go that i just want you to know i've found a reason for me, to change who i used to be a reason to start over new, and the reason is you i've found a reason to show a side of me you didnt know a reason for all that i do, and the reason is you Heard the song already! syukran naz, *hugz* chk this out! http://www.dismalweather.blogspot.com EURO 04 last nite was england n portugal,sad to say that england was out--what a game!I mean it was a tough one i shld say>>draw 2-2. I was hoping that england would win... :( well whatever it is,they played quite well.Anyways...go Netherland! okies wanna watch tv now... ~the groggy me~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 3:14 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
"...EASY, is to keep friendship with words DIFFICULT, is to keep friendship with meaning..." So true! ~the speechless me~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 12:38 AM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
And things didnt went on smoothly during the day.I was irritated! These pple really get into my nerves! Cant stand them, grow up u pple...Feel like going back to classroom...I want to study again, be with friends..when will i able to do that?will it remains as my dream...?haizz :( Anyways Pat called again asking me to relief...so happy when i heard her voice but i cant do the relief coz i'm workg...hmm loads of work! :( Going to continue my work... ~the hardworking me~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 10:32 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
and this is the song that i'm looking for...an old song from Qatrun Nada but the new verse were from Saujana Harapan PadaMu Subur Kembali Wahai Tuhan ku yang Esa Bila kenangkan QaharMu Rasa gerun di hatiku Kerana takutkan seksaMu HambaMu rasa putus asa Siapakah dapat bersihkan diri Dari segala dosa yang memburu Setiap hari setiap ketika Tika mengenang GhafarMu Putus asa tiada lagi Semangatku pulih kembali Harapanku subur kembali Ujian menimpa menekan di jiwa Tak sanggup meneruskan perjuanganku MehnahMu itu penghapus dosaku Mengganti hukumanMu di akhirat Di waktu mengenang rahmatMu Terasa diri kurang bersyukur PadaMu harusku memohon Moga syukurku bertambah Alangkah susahnya Mendidik nafsuku Yang tidak dapat melihat kebenaranMu Bantulah hambaMu Dalam mendidik jiwaku ini Waahh.....i cant stop smiling..Been hearing the song again n again!!! Thks Atiqah for acompanyg me! I went home straight after i got the cd..b4 that we sat at singapore post ljs to have a talk abt what happen to all the sisters...Was very sad when she told me what happen...At the same time im askig myself y my friends must get themselves into trouble? ok enuf is enuf!We already promised not to bring up the matter again...has been talking abt it for 3 days! BUT one thg for sure, i am very grateful to Allah that he had created a reason for not lettg Naz to be with them anymore! Kinda quite regret that i actually wanted and asked her to be with them again so that she would see her friens often!Luckily it didnt happen...If not she also will face the same fate... :( well continue to pray..cos our prayers are the weapon for us as a muslim... "Ad-du'a u-silahul mukminin" "Doa itu senjata org mukmin" Awrites...and to my jimah[including myself also lah], always look on the bright side n always see the positivity in the negativity...*hugzzzz* ~the remorseful me~ ;p
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 11:53 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
Next monday will be reporting to school again after a long holiday..hmm gonna work hard!Nothing muc happen tdy...only that i realise i will no longer have the time to talk to mum...follow up with the drama serials on tv...cant possibly talk to hasu till past midnite again cos she'll be back to sch also... Gonna hunt for that cd with Atiqah tmrw... ;) awrites...really sleepy... ~the dozing-off me~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 10:42 AM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
What should i do? So boring...Naz is not here, so long didnt talk to her. Its been abt like more than 3 days...I wonder how is she...Is she doing fine? I cant find Adil online coz i've deleted him...ops...i shldnt do that!now i nd him to know abt my jimah.....Same estate but still cant contact!Wonder what will happen if she would be at paki, worst! :(( I'm so tired.Went out the whole day just now...k, sleep tight! ~the impatient me~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 10:35 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
I went to Learning Vision to relief one of the teachers there. I find that they are more involve with the children rather than the administrative work which the teachers at PCF did. The differences between us is they do not have the long holidays like what i'm enjoyg now and they have to work longer hours... therefore i will still prefer Kindergarten rather than Childcare... Dont get me wrong pls, i'm not comparing! But i had fun n enjoyed myself with the todds!They are so cute!The beauty in them could be seen!When i came, they just woke up from their nap...with that groggy face upon their face..i cant help myself hugging them! :) make for them their MILK...prepare the choc bread for them...wash them up...chg their diapers...and yes they seeing somebody who is new, doing everythg for them! Ok darlings....miss aidah loves u too....*hugz & kisses* Okies...will be waitg for Dina while clearg up the kitchen later.Oh yeah sis lela is on tv!at akhir kata 2004 giving comments abt the classroom size which getting smaller! The host: Sujadi Siswo...cool ~the motherly me~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 9:08 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() After the street soccer held at Singapore Polytechnic,on 12 jun04, Saturday,we took this pic!So worn out.We played 8 matches i.e 6 preliminaries, semi final & final. Jannah & I is the goalie!are u surprised? Well for 5 matches no goals from the opp!But sad to say, we came in 4th! Some predict FB will be the first 3 but we didnt! What a letdown! But hey, I got $10 during the game host by SUHAILA SALAM! All the eleven teams have to go inside the place and she will throw the ball to us. She threw 20 times[cos there's 20 envelopes] We have to catch the ball & i did! Inside the envelopes may contain SGD,Indo Rupiah, Malaysia Ringgit, Monopoly notes or a piece of paper written 'BANKCRUPT'. Guess what i got?Heheheh 2 pieces of $5 note!!!!!! Alhamdulillah! After the game, my muscle really ache, they said i didnt warm up..so what was i doing during the mass warm up?*winks* some parts of me was decorated with the colour of purple and green [lebamzzz]> nice colour combination rite?And getting darker...But it was a nice & memorable game! ![]() ~the sporty me~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 6:41 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() Here i am with my group, SUMAYYAH! That night when Jun called informing me abt my group's name I was so glad that i will be with the Sumayyahs...thats bcos I simply like Sumayyah, a woman who is so devoted to Allah n willing to sacrifice anythg just to protect her Iman.Our group cheers went like this - "Sumayyah Sumayyah Sumayyah. Wanita solehah mujahidah. S-u-m-a-y-y-a-h, sumayyah!" Thks to sister Su. And...Sumayyah came in first, THE BEST GROUP! Marha, marha. As the facilitator, i would say that these kids are really somethg! For abt 3 days only and we already had a STRONG bond...we cried during the dismissal, in fact all campers did! oops but the sumayyah is easy for me to handle, rarely any frictions between them. they are a bunch of matured children aging from 9 to 12. The leader, Sis Aisha is really awesome. A very softspoken teen n understandg! Very patient & helpful! Due to recommendations, she became the best leader.Marha, marha. ![]() ~the glad&happy me~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 6:08 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() Alive!Muslimah Camp 2004 @ Masjid Kampung Siglap with me...Zana,Junainah & Junaidah.While waiting for the rest of the campers to have their photoshots with bro Suhaimi, here we are snapping photo of our selves!It was like abt 10.30pm and we were so tired with the afternoon activities.*zzzz* ![]() And I miss my nazeemah..hey what are u doing?Studyg for exams definitely...Good Luck okies *hugzzzzz* ~the never-had-been-so happy me~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 5:50 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
Teman Sejati Selama ini Ku mencari-cari Teman yang sejati Buat menemani Perjuangan suci Bersyukur kini PadaMu Illahi Teman yang dicari Selama ini Telah kutemui Dengannya di sisi Perjuangan ini Senang diharungi Bertambah murni Kasih Illahi KepadaMu Allah Kupanjatkan doa Agar berkekalan Kasih sayang kita Kepadamu teman Ku pohon sokongan Pengorbanan dan pengertian Telah kuungkapkan Segala-galanya... KepadaMu Allah Kupohon restu Agar kita kekal bersatu Kepadamu teman Teruskan perjuangan Pengorbanan dan kesetiaan Telah kuungkapkan Segala-galanya Itulah tandanya Kejujuran kita This is the song that we sang on the last day of our camp...So sad...To the sisters- Zana, Hid, J'dah, J'nah, Mun, Mas, Atiqah, Tasha and Suhailah... Just came back from camp.I'm aching all over..Penat sgt!After camp went to SiR Buildg to make dad's passport..Then tonight will be having class at 7.Haizzz ~ the active me~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 4:19 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() Our last street soccer training>> Taken after we did our prayers at Ghufran[we are at the staircase!!]So difficult to snap [cute incidents happen] Earlier, we had discussion abt our group's name-we settled with 'Firqat-ul-buraaq' which means, the lightning team!hahha and my "jersey" number is 12![hermann rheaderson, Charlton FC!]**The designg the glittering tudung was the courtesy of Zeenath n Zakiyah's hardwork! So what was the result of AFY sista's street soccer? And to abg...Happy 28 b'day! How was the HUGO BOSS perfume???*winks* ![]() ~the glimmering me~
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 6:22 PM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.
![]() Whew...what a day!After buying abg n kak linda's present, i'm totally worn out...With $200 in hand after selling the N3120 hp, alhamdulillah i still know what is budgeting! Save 1/3 of it for the K.L trip!!! :) ![]()
Source: The echo of Shaidah Nafisah was heard at 2:19 AM, through the circulation of the breeze, however, part of it has to be deep freeze. ~Reports from Ministry Of Seamplicity.